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If you would like to show your appreciation, their are a couple of ways. You can give directly to charity (Action for Children) using the JustGiving button below. Or you can contribute to funding this web site, using the donate facility further down the page.
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The PoundforPound weight loss plan and web site are run by husband and wife team Justin and Kim. Choose the button below to help us run the web site and reach more people.
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If you could make a donation, however small, you will help us promote the site and help others to lose weight. Obesity and associated diseases are killing people prematurely by the millions. If you have lost weight, please help us spread the message.

However you donate, Thank you. We are so happy to have helped you lose weight.
Please spread the word, and ask your friends to visit

Please email us with your Pound for Pound weight loss story to [email protected]

**BREAKING NEWS** The author of this website, in collaboration with Professor Richard Leach, has written a new book 'Mass Delusion' which contains much of the information on this website plus many more tips for maintaining  your low carb diet lifestyle.